Don't lie. You know you've thought about it at least once. That dream home. Yes, THAT dream home. You know you want it. All you have to do is pack it up, move out, and get there. And if you need some motivation, here are some reasons why it may or may not be time to move...
They can’t all be winners, right? And if you can’t move them, might as well move yourself.
It’s a litttttttttle crowded up in there. And the exercise equipment you’re not using isn’t helping either (if only you could train your newborn to use the treadmill, right?).
Don’t kid yourself, it’s your dream. You’re closer to the clouds and you can see eeeeeeverything from up there. You deserve this literal upgrade.
The tree is in the wrong place but you’re green and you don’t want to cut it down. You’re positive that the next humans to move in will love and cherish that tree, but it’s just not doing it for you anymore. Let the tree be and move on.
“Dammit if only it was 3 inches to the right.” You KNOW you’ve thought that. Don’t let it fester. Just leave it behind and find a new space with the fireplace in the RIGHT space. Santa will still be able to find you.
Well I mean, you COULD move that wall. But that’s...messy. Taking out some aggression? Ok. Hard hats? Ew (most times). That wall (no, not THAT wall) deserves to live and you know it.
Gold star, you tried. Time to pack it up and get more mileage between you and the folks. It’s time. Trust us.
....Wait, what?
Guys, you can’t move the sun. But you can pack the boxes and move yourselves (It’s been proven. Just believe us on this one).
Maybe this convinced you to move, or planted the seed. Whenever your next move involves a home that will need new human friends, Jovio’s got you.
*Selling a home ain't always easy. That's why Jovio exists. We really do "got you."